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Senin, 25 Januari 2016

Prestasi Siswa SDII Al Abidin tahun 2015

  1. Ibrahim Ihsan Rasyid- Merit Prize  International Mathematics Competition Singapore (IMCF)  level 5 tahun 2015
  2. Ibrahim Ihsan Rasyid - medali emas KMNR kelas 5 tingkat nasional tahun 2015
  3. Raihan Arandasatya Budi - Medali perunggu Olimpiade Sains Kuark tingkat nasional tahun 2014
  4. Afif dan Ibrahim Ihsan Rasyid - juara harapan 1 olimpiade matematika JSIT tingkat nasional tahun 2014
  5. Yuma - Medali Emas Lomba Roket Air JSIT tingkat Nasional 2014
  6. Ibrahim Ihsan Rasyid - medali perunggu Kompetisi Matematika Nalaria Realistik (KMNR) kelas 4 tingkat nasional tahun 2014
  7. Ibrahim Ihsan Rasyid- juara 3 Fakhruddin ar-Razi Competition (FRC)  kelas 5 tingkat nasional tahun 2014
  8. Daffa Hafrin - medali perunggu KMNR kelas 2 tingkat nasional tahun 2015
  9. Dimas Arjuna- medali perak KMNR kelas 2 tingkat nasional tahun 2015
  10. Raihan Arandasatya Budi - juara 2 olimpiade IPA JSIT tingkat kota tahun 2014
  11. Thurfah Mahira Ahnaf - juara 1 tahfidz JSIT tingkat kota tahun 2015
  12. Ibrahim Ihsan Rasyid - juara 3 olimpiade matematika PPMI Assalam tingkat Jateng dan DIY tahun 2014
  13. Raihan Arandasatya Budi - juara 2 Junio Student Competition bidang sains tingkat Jateng dan DIY tahun 2015
  14. Raihan Arandasatya Budi- juara 1 Olimpiade sains Surakarta bidang sains tingkat kota tahun 2015
  15. Thurfah Mahira Ahnaf - juara 1 tahfidz SMPIT Nur Hidayah tingkat Jateng thn 2015
  16. Ibrahim Ihsan Rasyid- juara 1 Olimpiade matematika SMPIT Nur Hidayah tingkat Jateng tahun 2015
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Metode Pembelajaran SDII Al Abidin

Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan di SDII Al Abidin adalah metode Quantum Teaching yang diimplementasikan dengan metode :
a.    Thematic Teaching
Metode ini memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk mempelajari sebuah lingkup pembelajaran yang holistic dari sebuah tema pembelajaran
b.    Student Active Learning
Dalam pembelajaran guru bertindak sebagai motivator dan fasilitator, dan siswalah yang berperan utama sebagai subjek utama pembelajaran.
c.    Quantum Learning
Metode pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menyenangkan. Dalam aplikasinya di kenal pula dengan istilah PAKEM ( Pembelajaran Aktif Kreatif Efektif Menyenangkan)
d.    Full Day School System
Kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa di jadwal sebagai berikut :
Senin-Jum’at :  Kelas 1-2 (07.15-14.00 WIB)
Kelas 3-6 (07.15-15.30)
Sabtu          : siswa masuk untuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, remidiasi.
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Sejarah SDII Al Abidin

Ditengah hiruk pikuknya aktifitas masyarakat kota budaya Surakarta, timbulah ide dari beberapa pengusaha muslim di Solo, diantaranya adalah haji suparno zainal abidin, untuk membangun sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang bisa memberikan alternatif tempat pendidikan formal yang modern, islami, dan bisa bersaing secara global. Maka melalui prakarsa beberapa tokoh masyarakat di solo, pada tanggal 14 februari 2004, berdirilah sekolah dengan nama Sekolah Dasar Islam Internasioanal Al Abidin di bawah naungan yayasan Al abidin.
Kehadiran sekolah baru ini mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa dari masyarakat, sehingga dalam tahun pertama, bisa menampung 3 kelas. Dengan dukungan tenaga muda berkompetensi tinggi, berdedikasi kuat, serta semangat religiustitas dan melalui pimpinan Mr.purno budi Antoro sebagai kepala sekolah yang pertama, SDII Al abidin berhasil mewarnai percaturan pendidikan di kota solo melalui kegiatan-kegiatan kreatif yang semakin sering ter-blow up media. Bahkan melalui pimpinan kepala sekolah yang kedua, Mr. shodiqin, S.Pd, SDII Al abidin berhasil menyeruak ke jajaran atas sekolah-sekolah dengan hasil akademik terbaik yaitu berada di posisi ke tiga hasil UASBN Surakarta.
Setelah berdiri selama 6 tahun, SDII Al Abidin berhasil mendapatkan nilai A setelah di akreditasi, dan sekaligus mendapatkan kepercayaan pemerintah dengan diterimanya sertifikat RSDBI Mandiri dari Direktur jenderal manajemen pendidikan dasar dan menengah departemen pendidikan nasional.
SDII Al Abidin berada dibagian Solo utara atau tepatnya di jalan Adi Sumarmo Gang Bone Timur 3 Banyuanyar Surakarta. Untuk menjangkau tempat tersebut cukup mudah, karena hanya 2 Km dari terminal Tirtonadi, sekitar 3 Km dari Stasiun Balapan, dan 5 Km dari Bandara adi Sumarmo solo.
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Senin, 11 Januari 2016

TOEIC Listening Tips

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
toeic listening tips
5 Tips to Master the TOEIC Listening Test

1. Do practice
a. Using a sample listening test, start by stopping the recording after each question.
b. Choose the answer that you think is correct and then check if it is right.
c. Make sure you know why an answer is correct or incorrect.
d. Gradually build up the speed by doing each section without pausing the recording.
e. Then, work your way up to doing the whole test
2. Describe photos and pictures using your own sentences
To study for this part of the test, you should try making sentences that describe what you are doing during your day. Another helpful exercise is to make a list of all the things around you that you see. This helps you learn the vocabulary and connect it to a place.

3. Prediction skill is needed
Keep in mind the question as you listen to the possible answers. Choose the answer that makes the most sense. If in doubt, guess. You don’t lose any points for a wrong answer.

4. Focus and actively listen to detail
When you are studying for this section, it’s best to look at the questions before you listen to the dialogue. Listen to the dialogue and then write down your answers for the question based on what you have heard. Next, see if your answers match any of the multiple choice options. This will help you focus and learn to actively listen for details in the talks

5. Find keywords of questions before listening
When you are taking the actual exam, pay attention to the context. Try to read the question beforehand and find the keywords if you have time. Listen to the entire talk before choosing an answer. If you find yourself running out of time, just guess an answer. Don’t miss out on information for the next question while you are trying to figure out the previous one.

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Indonesia Today

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
A strong earthquake struck off North Sulawesi province in central Indonesia, but there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude-6.4 quake hit 265 kilometers (165 miles) north-northwest of Indonesian town in North Maluku province, or 233 kilometers (145 miles) southeast of Sarangani in the Philippines, at a depth of 12.9 kilometers (8 miles).
The Indonesia Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said the quake which struck just 22 minutes before midnight (16:3 GMT) 8Monday, centered about 58 kilometers (36 miles) southeast of Talaud islands in North Sulawesi province, has no potential to trigger tsunami.
Indonesia is prone to earthquakes due to its location on the Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific Basin. (kes)
See More : The Jakarta Post
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Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

to Be or Not to Be

There was an orphan named Hiram - quite smart, having firm soul, intrepid and always trying to achieve something without despair. His parent was died when the conflict between Caucasoid and Negroid. During the conflict his father protected him as strong as he can. His mother took him away and tried to find a safe place she can hide at the same time. But his father was shot. His mother could not do anything. In order to save his son, she was surrendered but she asked to Clark to go away before. Finally Clark was safe, although he had fallen when eschewed from that thing even his head was bleeding.
In that conflict many people were dead, only some of them could be safe. Clark was included the victim who survived even though he had lost his memory due to the crunch on his head. He was found by a man named Emmet an old man, disciplined, quite selfish, and responsible. And Clark was cared and educated by him in his home.
In the chilly morning, a simple house surrounded by grass, field, near the river, far from settlement residents, the sound of gurgling water, and wind blowing trees around.
“Hey kid wake up! Wash your face then let you follow me to the field right now” asked Emmet.
"Yeah" Hiram answered with the narrow eyes and messy hair. Then he immediately headed to the river washing his face behind the house.
Horse whinny sounded in front of the house that signifies Emmet a white old man asked Hiram for learning to ride a horse on his daily.
“Are you ready?” asked Emmet firmly.
“Actually I am still sleepy and I …” answered Clark fatigued.
“Just ride the horse soon and sit properly then try to calm Mustang down!”
“YES SIR!” He answered with the new enthusiasm for learning. He considers Emmet is like a Commandant. 
Clark made a great effort to practice riding it. Although he often falls in practice, he still trying to ensure himself that he can ride. 
After circling the field they stop in a while.
“Can you help me?”
“What Can I do for you?”
“Tie a rope horse to a tree, let him eat the grass, then I ask you to clean the stable.
If Emmet ordered to do something, it must be done immediately. Because he did not want to delay his work will be done.
“Fine, but May I ask you to do something for me?”
“Mmmh. . . Sure” he thought for a moment because as usual he did not dare ask that old man.
Clark smile at him and said “No, I’m just kidding! I will do it for you with my pleasure” 
“Hmmh.. Nice joke kid!” he replied a bit annoyed.
Clark wished to be able to ride a horse. There was never any sense of despair inside him.  He could ride a horse with a lively and even he could tame Mustang a year later.
Since he could ride a horse, the old man just asked him to clean the stable. But one day Clark asked Emmet to bathe his beloved horse.
“Bring the horse to the headwater”
“All right, what should I do there?”
“I ask you to clean the horse, hurry let you move now! I will take the brush, see me on the river then! Okay!” Emmet asked quite forced him.
“Yeah, I must be off now” he replied a bit annoyed.
Clark didn’t know why he felt like this, whether he was getting bored with Emmet’s behavior that always asking to do something with a little coercion in every day. But he did not care with that thing. He brought Mustang to the river.
He tied a rope horse in a tree near a river quickly. He was still thinking that being happened, and then he headed to the headwater, sitting on the rock, and dipped both his feet to the water. He looked at the water and tried to remind something. Seems like he was ever seen the place across the river.
But suddenly Emmet came and called him to clean the Mustang. He hurried to do so
“What's going on? Seems like you remind something?” with a bit curiously.
“No matter sir, just show me the way to clean the horse!” he answered quite nervous.
Emmet taught him how to clean the horse correctly and Clark could do it then. 
Suddenly Clark got an accident. He slipped when he get into to the surface after cleaning the horse. He plunged into the river is quite deep and drowned.

"Help! Help! Help!" He shouted as tight as possible even he almost could not breathe.
Emmet was shocked, he saved Clark immediately because the river flow quite swift at the same time. Then he was taken ashore. Emmet tried repeatedly pressing his stomach till the water came out from his mouth. Emmet brought him to go home but he was still unconscious. 
Clark dreamt at that time, as if somebody called him to go to across the river.  A few minutes later he woke up sitting on a chair with a cold. But his body has been warmed by a small fire next to him.
After the incident at the river was happened, Clark asked to Emmet how he could be saved when he drowned in the river. Then the old man told him how to swim. The next day Clark wished to learn swimming. 
After he could swim in the river, she was never afraid to clean up Mustang in the river alone. He tried to go to the river. He found the place that which does not flow quite shallow rapids and then he try to swim there. Then he went back to land. But he got a thing to make him curious. So he crossed by swimming.
He found many settlements and many citizens there. He walks around there. He found many new things that he did not get at the old man home. Suddenly he saw the man that practicing archery and he approached him. Mac called him and directly taught him. He just remembered that he permitted the old man to swim practice, so he will from farewell with Mac.
But he thought for a moment “How if this man I brought him to the side and I would introduce to the old man to learn shooting with us together”
They gathered at the old man's house, and the old man was in shock that Clark brought someone to his house. 
“Where have you been? What the .. ?” Emmet asked with so loud and he was shocked. 
"What you have done? You bring a stranger here!!"  Emmet was so angry.
"I .." Clark wanted to say something but he was afraid.
"Get the hell out here!!?" he asked the stranger to go away.
"I want to explain it” Clark still trying to make it clear but he got no chance to explain.
“Get the man out of here” Emmet could not hold his anger.
“Give me a few minute please!” Clark begun annoyed.
“He’s right, let give him a minute” said Mac
“Just shut your mouth!!” Emmet said to both of them.
“Well, I leave then” answered Mac
Mac leaved the old man home. And Clark went to the river, Clark stopped there, pondering the incident, the works which he made. He sat on the stone again, dipping his feet, and thought about all these things made him confused.  

“If I followed Mac it would be impossible leaved Emmet easily. The old man is very kind to me but his mind was so hard, and do not want to get something new. He had educated me, taking care of me, but he always being selfish. All of that make me bored then. What should I am going to do now?”
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Jumat, 01 Januari 2016

My Profile

sdii alabidin,guru sdii alabidin
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Hi, Everyone! My name is Mohammad Thoriq. Everyone call me Thoriq. I was born in Gresik on May 19th 1989. I live in Sukoharjo. It's a nice town to live in. I am a teacher in Islamic International School of SDII Al Abidin Surakarta. I join this school on June 2015. I teach English subject for level 3 there.
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